Mercomm Educational: communication for educational institutions

Mercomm has been involved in theeducational sector for years. In fact, that of communication for education is a specific compartment that plays a central role. With the advent of digital, this is even more true.

Mercomm customers in the Educational sector.

online communication for companies
of training represents an added value. It makes it possible to reach an increasing number of users and to convey content accurately and quickly, simulating real classroom training.

Online learning, also called e-learning, has been growing sharply, especially since the last few months of the health emergency.

The need to stay in their homes to prevent the spread of the virus has made digital training a valuable resource. From classroom lectures in schools, to online training of institutions, teleducation has become increasingly popular.

In this new scenario, adopting digital communication strategies is extremely important. In order to be found by users on the Web, you need to have an optimized site, offer the ability to take online classes via webinars, and to download educational materials from the site.

To reach more users, it is then necessary to communicate your activities on social networks.

In addition, our agency also offers offline communication services for in-person training: flyers, book publications, logistical organization of training.

APE Association - Confedilizia Genoa

From schools to training institutions to corporate webinars. So many are Mercomm’s experiences in education communication.

Recently, we have been in charge of distance learning for theAPE CONFEDILIZIA GENOVA Association. We were in charge of conducting a refresher seminar for condominium and property managers. In addition to the organizational aspects related to participant memberships, our team was responsible for the management of the meeting.

Through the Zoom platform, participants were able to take advantage of online training. Live, a professional from Mercomm handled the technical part, while the trainers from Ape Confedilizia Genova were able to quietly carry out their role as trainers.


We then dealt with the communication of the Urban Lab Genova International School Foundation (F.U.L.G.I.S.). For this client, we oversaw educational, cultural and training promotion. We redesigned some of their sites graphically. Particularly that of the Foundation and its two schools-Duchessa di Galliera and Deledda International School. All this, focusing on user experience. We still support staff in updates and communications with families and students. We also do offline advertising by making brochures, flyers, leaflets and diplomas. Another client was the Champagnat Institute of Genoa for whom we created a new website, enhancing the online presence of this historic Genoese school in the heart of Albaro. We also took care of the social strategy, creating an effective and engaging editorial plan.

University of Genoa

In 2018, our team was in charge of communication in education for theUniversity of Genoa. In particular, we oversaw the communication campaign for the 21 free Master’s degrees in Genoa promoted by the University, Liguria Region and the European Union. The campaign spanned traditional and web media.

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